Knysna Initiative for Learning and Teaching
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News » 2022
Overwhelmed by appeals for support? You may have Giving Fatigue!
Want your kids to do well in school? Get involved!
Disturbing find: Average age for drug dependency in SA is just 12 years old!
Pink for girls, blue for boys: What’s the harm in gender stereotypes?
Raising screen-wise tweens and teens!
Sport may be a secret ingredient to raising happy and healthy kids!
Dads and uncles: Engaged male role models matter!
Reading to children makes them smarter
Nurtured by nature: Children need more time in nature
Educating girls can save millions of lives!
KILT’s investment in education is making an impact!
Great teachers inspire, and inspired children can change the world!
Now is an excellent time for teaching and learning to thrive!
The truth behind the school dropout rates in Knysna
Planting it Forward in Knysna – Creating Sustainable Food Gardens!
KILT celebrates International Day of Education
New school shoes for 140 Knysna Children