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KILT projects


Large classes, curriculum demands and socio-economic conditions are very real factors negatively impacting our children’s education.

Overwhelmed  teachers, sometimes-limited parental involvement, and poor literacy and numeracy skills all combine to create a system in crisis.  Erratic school attendance during the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a greater number of children desperately needing specific remedial and learning catch-up assistance.

We run 17 projects to address these specific issues, each managed by experts in their fields. We have created projects aimed at children, and others supporting principals and teachers, and some that are infrastructure and community-oriented. In addition, COVID related projects continue as communities struggle with a lack of food.


Child Focused

KILT Child Focused Projects Icon

Teacher Focused

KILT Teacher Focused Projects Icon

School Management

KILT School Management-Projects Icon

Community Focused

KILT Community Projects Icon