
A tribute to Leon Cohen. Celebrating a man who was both great and good.

Leon Cohen Tribute

KILT lost an important friend when Leon Cohen passed away on January 7. We acknowledge the significant contribution this extraordinary man made to KILT’s beginnings and the thoughtful support provided until he stepped down as Chairman of the Board in December 2019.

Leon Cohen (27 November 1930 – 07 January 2025).

Leon became involved in social justice conversations in his adolescence and the influence of others in these pivotal years laid a solid foundation for the important work he undertook years later while CEO of PG Bison.  In the late 1980s and 1990s, PG Bison under his leadership, built a successful participatory management scheme which included workers in key decision making processes. This approach was the opposite of the adversarial contests between big companies and their workers and changed thinking on these relationships. When he later sold PG Bison to Steinhoff, he made an extraordinary gesture by sharing his profits equally, splitting them 50/50 with all his staff. Just one example of this great man’s profound commitment to fairness, compassion, and paving the way for a more humane and equitable world.

Leon was also pivotal in bringing the ANC and key business leaders together before the ANC came to power.

Leon retired to Knysna and in 2016 and was quick to respond to Gill Marcus’ ideas and vision for supporting the education system in our district.  His life-long commitment to equity matched KILT’s mission and his enthusiastic participation enabled KILT to acquire significant long term funding – a vital ingredient to successful and sustained impact.

Leon’s contribution to KILT, education in the Knysna district and indeed our country sets him apart.  He belongs to a cohort of South Africans whose ideas, will to act and courage to take risks, impacted the lives of others in ways we cannot fully grasp.

We are so grateful to have spent time with Leon and be in the presence of his Light.

“Ask if it can be done. And if it can be done – then do it!”- Leon Cohen, November 2023.

Gill Marcus’ moving tribute to Leon Cohen, a lifelong friend and colleague.

Leon Cohen was extraordinary – true to his ideals with an unwavering commitment to social justice throughout his long and productive life. Thousands of people – whether they know it or not – have a better life because of Leon. This is evident in Knysna where he was actively engaged in various initiatives. He was a founder member of KILT and a determined fund raiser that made it possible to establish the education initiative. In 2017, as Chairperson of KILT, Leon set out the approach he envisaged, reflected below.

In 2017 he stated “Good governance and accountability is a prerequisite for its effective functioning. Donors will be able not only to see how and where their funding is spent, but be able to interact in an ongoing manner with the recipient schools, teachers, learners and the KILT Board. Measures will be put in place to ensure accountability by all recipients of support, that there is proper financial management as well as a regular assessment of how the different initiatives are working and what improvement is being made in the level of learning and quality of teaching”.

“Knysna is a small town. This project is large enough to make it possible to see and measure the impact of such a multi-pronged intervention that is more difficult to do in a larger city or metropole. It will also contribute to ensuring a solid learning foundation, encourage inquiry and a thirst for knowledge. Given the focus on maths, science, language and technology- learners with a maths and technology interest and capability can become a pipeline for companies with a demand for such skills”.

“To achieve this takes resources and funds. Donors contributions will enable KILT to address the myriad of needs and meet many of the challenges identified above. Help us realise what is possible and achievable through addressing education in a systemic way. You can help shape an inclusive, shared future. Turn a child’s enthusiasm and dreams into reality, and in so doing significantly impact on thousands of young lives.”

Leon battled illness with courage and determination, and every conversation until his passing included ideas, proposals and practical options of what could and should be done to get our country working. People, and working with people in an inclusive way, were always at the centre of Leon’s approach to everything he did.

It has been my privilege to know and work with Leon over many years and my life, like so many others, has been enriched by his friendship. To his entire family, particularly the extraordinary Peggy – they celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary just a few weeks ago – our heartfelt condolences. I wish you all long life and know that your devastating loss is also felt by many of us who were fortunate enough to count Leon as friend. He was one in a million. Our hearts go out to all of you.

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